What are the factors that affect the work of the vertical injection molding machine?

Author:yousu04 Date:2021-11-22 Reading:

Vertical injection molding machines are mainly used for plastic extrusion operations. So what are the factors that affect its work?

Factor 1: Temperature

As far as the temperature of the vertical injection molding machine is concerned, if the temperature of the equipment increases, the melt viscosity can be reduced, the fluidity of the melt can be improved, the power consumption of the machine can be reduced, and the screw speed can be appropriately increased. But everything has a degree. If the temperature of the machine is too high, the extruded parison will easily sag under its own weight, causing uneven longitudinal wall thickness of the parison. It can be seen that maintaining a proper temperature is very important.

Factor two: melt delivery speed

If the melt conveying speed of the vertical injection molding machine is increased, the self-weight sagging phenomenon of the parison can be improved and the wall thickness of the parison can be increased. However, if the speed is too fast, it is also prone to melt fracture. Therefore, during operation, it is necessary to maintain the melt conveying speed of the machine within a stable value according to the operating instructions.

Above, we have analyzed their influence from the two aspects of machine temperature and melt delivery speed. You can refer to the above information when operating to maintain these factors within a stable range.


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